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Greenfield Geotechnical is proud to have worked with _______ _________ ______ ____________. For further details on each project, contact our team.

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Geologic Deposit Strength Inversion from Landslide Inventories


Greenfield, M., Hitchcock, C., Leshchinsky, B., Wartman, J., Wade, A., Kottke, A. and Boone, M., Geologic Deposit Strength Inversion from Landslide Inventories. In Geo-Congress 2024 (pp. 34-43).

A Tool to Evaluate Deformation From Seismically Induced Landslides in the San Francisco Bay Area for System-Wide Risk Analyses


Wade, A., Greenfield, M.W., Wilson, J., Hitchcock, C., Kottke, A., Boone, M., Leshchinsky, B., and Wartman, J. 2023. A Tool to Evaluate Deformation From Seismically Induced Landslides in the San Francisco Bay Area for System-Wide Risk Analyses. GeoRisk 2023. Arlington, VA.

A Tool to Evaluate Liquefaction and Resulting Permanent Ground Deformation in The San Francisco Bay Area


Greenfield, M.W., Guckenheimer, M., Wade, A.,Wilson, J., Hitchcock, C., Kottke, A., and Boone, M., 2023. A Tool to Evaluate Liquefaction and Resulting Permanent Ground Deformation in The San Francisco Bay Area. GeoRisk 2023. Arlington, VA.

Regional Probabilistic Liquefaction Hazard Mapping for the Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta


Greenfield, M.W. 2021. Regional Probabilistic Liquefaction Hazard Mapping for the Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta: Collaborative Research with Greenfield Geotechnical and the United States Geological Survey. Final Report. USGS Earthquake Hazards Program

Hazard characterization for alternative intensity measures using the total probability theorem


Greenfield, M.W. and Makdisi, A.J., 2021. Hazard characterization for alternative intensity measures using the total probability theorem. Earthquake Spectra.

Probabilistic regional-scale liquefaction triggering modeling using 3D Gaussian processes


Greenfield, M. W. and grant, a. (2020). Probabilistic regional-scale liquefaction triggering modeling using 3D Gaussian processes. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 134.

Handling uncertainty in geotechnical earthquake engineering


Greenfield, M. W. (2020). Handling uncertainty in geotechnical earthquake engineering. Geostrata.

The use of numerical analysis in the interpretation of liquefaction case histories

Kramer, S. and Greenfield, M. (2019). The use of numerical analysis in the interpretation of liquefaction case histories. 7th Int’l Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering. June 20, 2019.